On May 14th 2014 where I lived was caught in the path of the Coco's Fire in Escondido, California. My house was burned down along with 40 other structures including most of the homes within my community. I had recently had to take time off of school because of financial problems and not having a place to live. My laptop which I use to go to school online and the University of Phoenix, had received alot of damage through out the situation and has made it difficult to finished my school program, I am working on getting my bills paid and everything back in order but it takes time and effort as well as hope that things will work out. I am not expecting much because there are alot more deserving storys but I am hopeful that I can recevie any help to get a new laptop so I can finish school strong and work toward getting a new job after graduation and start a new life. Thank you to anyone who is able to help. This has been an interesting time frame since this event has happened, California continues to be ravaged by wild fires, I recently started the intern program to help prevent wildfires and learn forest ecosystem management. I did graduate my Bachelors Degree in business, and would like to be able to continue to get educated and maintain my job, I have since Sept. 2017 its been a slow process to rebuild my life and situations do continue to arise and the material that was recorded of me during interviews when the homes did burn down can not be given to me, its hard to explain this situation and my current one. I am thankful for the individuals who have helped me through out this process and I am beginning to be able to see a brighter end to this struggle I am hoping that this little help I had asked for is still possible to receive and things will turn out good and I can then move forward to possibly going back to school and continuing my intern project to become a future firefighter or wilderness management eco system maintenance employee as I am currently doing. Thank you for your time reading if you have, I really dont know what to say on this and 34 months with nothing to show makes it more difficult to think of what I could say.


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