Demonstrative Communication

Demonstrative communication is a method presenting ideas that compliment you vocal speech. Since all communication is derived from sending and receiving messages, these methods assist in advancing a vocal presentation to have better appeal and relationship building characteristics toward an audience. Demonstrative communication includes nonverbal communication and unwritten communication which include methods including eye contact, body movements, gestures and emblems as well as playful interactions, facial expressions and tone of language. It is important when making a presentation that you always be aware of and understand the audience in which you are speaking to, knowing the audience can help a presenter be able to know what forms of demonstrative communication to utilize and implement into the presentation. Knowing the audience, having the accurate information and building the relationship are the foundations of a presentation I believe because without those aspects in the preparation of presentation and when presenting you will just be talking to a crowd. When you make a presentation you are presenting information, an idea and/or a recommendation to your audience. The audience is important to know because it will help you tone initially in your message, when you understand your audience you want to have things they find interesting in your message and how your body language is speaking for you. If you talking to a more laid back audience you can have a sense of relaxation in your presentation. If you are presenting a message about ocean front vacations having sounds of the ocean in the background would be a great addition to a presentation, and having visuals of sunsets and sunrises at oceans possibly a scented candle to cast a mood all which help to make the audience feel as if they are at the ocean. These tactics are not part of your speech directly but complement your presentation by remaining a part of the impression of the audience. When presenting to a more conservative audience about business needs or wants, you will have a more depth presentation they might not be interested in background sounds and smell as much as they would focus more on basic hand gestures and strong eye contact. A presentation with body motion and direction when speaking is a great form of demonstrative communication to use in all forms presentation because you direct the audience by directing your speech with your movements. When you show data on a visual you point to the data and show which direction to continue following, but you have to know your audience. Your demonstrative communication is what defines you as your send your message to your audience. The natural things your body does while communicating show your intent and your own level on interest in your presentation. When your vocal communication and nonverbal communication clash you will send mixed representations of what your message is trying to send. It is important to have all forms of your communication methods natural and planned to work together to keep the audience on track with your message. No verbal communication is vital to a presentation, it helps prevent misunderstandings in a presentation and helps improve the overall quality of a presentation. Eye contact is the most important aspect of building a relationship with your audience but too much eye contact can feel aggressive to an audience and understanding the proper amount of eye contact is important when presenting. As well just it is important to have eye contact no eye contact at all can kill the potential chance at build a relationship with your audience and will defeat the process of sending your message and is important to avoid as much as possible. Facial expressions are another important aspect of building a relationship with your audience if you have a smile on your face throughout your presentation. Technology can be used as demonstrative communication with light shows and dimming rooms to focus light on certain areas and highlight pinnacle points of a presentation. Technology can and has just advanced with demonstrative communication I believe with holographic performance of Tupac Shakur on April 15th at Coachella. This is a new achievement in presentation on a scale that has only been imagined in movies. I believe it has limitless potential to digitally scan any object or person and develop a holographic image and use it further benefit any presentation. Image a holographic image of an acclaimed author or philosopher giving you the information on the data you are receiving. Now with the detailed holographic images that can render any physical being into a mirror image of a person or any object. The visualization of the person whom has been deceased for so long builds the excitement of presentation and amplifies expectations. It is a new technology and in this case has large risks of criticism but for what was a first attempt of a physical performance this holographic technology can help all future presentations become that much better and demonstration communication will go to new heights and capabilities in the close future. Demonstrative communication involves listening and responding by keeping the speaker attentive to what is going on. You listen to those who you want to receive your message and you watch for signs of interest or signs of lack of interest and should adapt accordingly, having a structured plan, knowing your audience and having great nonverbal communication will all work together with your message as you present and discover reactions and get a feel for the audience tone and body language. When you respond to your audience you keep them involved and the more involved the audience is to your message the better chance you have of completing a great presentation.


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