Ethics Theory

The similarities and differences between virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics are all important parts of a person’s moral standards and will help to define how the individual person will present themselves in living. Virtue theory or virtue ethics is the measure of ones belief in the better good and providing an example of excellence in that belief. Virtue ethics are moral and non-moral but the individual is aware of these standards. A person’s virtue ethics a defined by what the person will do excel in all things good and how those actions are perceived by those effected. Utilitarianism is the concept of doing what is best for a team or group over what would be ideal for the individual. The team player example is the best example of utilitarianism because the team player or leader will make a judgment call down the road of an event or series to place a better member of the team in the game or a better play call be used instead of the play that they would choose or would be expected by the opponent. Deontological ethics is theory of duty and roll, it is in contrast with virtue ethics as deontological ethics is the definition of what should be done as to virtue ethics and what the individual is defined as and what they feel need be done. I have often heard the term you have to what you are supposed to do before you can do what you want to do. Deontological ethics is the process of doing what you are supposed to be doing before anything because of the concept of that duty that the individual has taken the responsibility to the roll and to see it completed or to be successful. These three ethics theory’s all have similarities in that they are derived from doing task the right way but are different in that they are for separate situations and conditions; one being the individuals beliefs in what to do to have excellent character in virtue ethics, the other being a part of a team and making that needed judgment call to ensure that success of the team, and the other in regards to ones duties and responsibilities that the individual has taken on to ensure the success of that roll. I have had many occasions in my life when I have made a judgment call in many different aspects of team work and utilitarianism. I have had situations where I would be at a community fundraiser event and would have a system of certain games being played and using team work and I have known for certain games I had team mates that where better than me and even thought the game where for fun and to benefit the community it I was still nice in the spirit of completion that the best members of my team play their better games if possible. I used those skills to later build more on my own personal communication and leadership skills understanding that the option is always available and with proper communication the better chances would be in the game and we would still have fun regardless of the outcome.


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