Be Healthty

When I hear the questions “How Healthy Are You?” and “How Stressed Are You?” I think that I have more situations that stress me out and more unhealthy choices that do than I want to accept in my life. I have made poor choices for many years in regards to my drinking and smoking and have recently took the steps toward changes with the excitement of this course. My current nutrition and fitness habits are not up to par. I have personally neglected my own well being and my and food intake, I had been under a great amount of stress and depression for many years before I started going back to school. My condition was poor, I was out of shape and had no real energy I was under weight and had problems controlling my emotions and anger. I have worked to get out of this condition for the past 3-4 years after a series of situations that occurred that continued to affect my emotional state which in turn affected my physical fitness and overall health. My current nutrition and fitness habits include daily cardio and eating a specific amount of carbs each day, this along with vitamins and other health supplements I have purchased to help gain energy and assist in my moderate conditioning that I do to re-build my energy level and physical well being. I am currently still underweight at 150lbs and at 6’2 almost three I always feel out of shape and drained from not eating correctly. My concern is more on the ends of gaining weight and re-gaining muscles that I feel I have lost because of poor health choices and my goal is to get back to a body condition where I can do more athletic activities and improve my physical appearance. There are many health risks that can be affected greatly by obesity, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer. Obesity at a young age can increase the chances of many conditions that can become more serious problems as they grow, and adults with obesity can have a more difficult time with breathing and energy affecting their daily living, and their bodies can adapt to amount of calories needed and individuals can find themselves less physically capable to complete any associated physical activity. Obesity is associated with eating unhealthy and eating foods high fat concentrate which can increase a person cholesterol levels, consuming too many fatty foods and foods with high calories, the body can trigger different properties throughout the body that can affect the level of cholesterol which can increase plaque build up inside blood vessels which can trigger heart attacks and strokes. There are many different fitness habits I could reasonably incorporate and also curtain habits I do that I can improve upon. I can improve upon my eating and smoking habits and improve on my daily activities to help assist with my sleep problems. These specific habits and situations have to be improved on before taking on any new fitness habits can be incorporating into my current lifestyle. The first major important step to take in creating a new fitness habit is to get regular sleep and eat regular meals, finding a way to manage and maintain eating meals, both small and large meals, regularly and have the proper needed nutrients with each meal throughout the day. Taking time each day to do some sort of cardio and mediation, while trying to exercise more focusing on different conditioning toward my energy and stretching. My dexterity is very important to me because I had been in so many athletic completions, from martial arts to break dancing and track meets running hurdles and sprints, and currently not having the proper energy needed to maintain a solid work out and focus more on stretching and cardio is the better choice to make until my body can best adjust to the health changes made. Adding more fiber to my diet would be a great nutritional habit to incorporate into my lifestyle because it has many positive benefits, including protection against heart disease and diabetes, this would be a good habit to introduce because my fiber intake is substantially low. Another nutritional habit I could implement into my lifestyle would be to further cut out more trans-fats that I have with my diet, and learn more about the differences in types of dietary fats while also finding better more healthy alternatives to the current foods that I have in my diet. In general just maintaining a schedule on my daily meals, having a good breakfast and making sure to have suggested serving amounts of breads, fruits and vegetables more often, would be the most important nutritional habit to manage. The health and fitness changes I would need to make would also need to be integrated with a method of gaining the proper amount of weight I desire for my body size. Dealing with being underweight for the majority of my life has been a struggle to change and finding ways to incorporate better health alternatives to help manage the way I schedule my food intake and exercise routines. I would focus on making the proper changes in my food intake first to get the right amount of carbohydrates and essential vitamins and minerals needed to maintain the weight amount I desire. Having a balance between the meals I have and maintaining a good sleep pattern while keeping up with my conditioning, I can find myself back in a position where I was able to run longer distances and maintain the condition and physical appearance I desire.   References Donatele, R. J. (2014) Access to Health, Thirteenth Edition, Pearson’s


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