My Virgo Birthday Secrets

Primary Birth Path Your Primary Birth Path is 1 Your Birth path number reveals that you belong to Achievers Based on your Birth Path your characteristics are One who has a need for personal attainment or an Achiever. i.e (Born leader, Ambitious, Do-It-Yourself Types) Based on your Birth Path Your Love and Live is Your Life: You are very curious and dedicative. When you are interested in something, everything else has to wait. This is your quality. But if you learn to be more patient and complete what you have started, you will be successful in life. Your Love: You believe In love at first sight. You won't wait to learn more about the person. Vise versa, people who fail to impress you will hardly get a chance to be your friend. Your emotion is on the extreme. You can only love or hate, nothing in between and this often shows in your expression. Try not to end a relationship in a quarrel. Life Path Your Life Path is 3 Based on your Life Path your characteristics are The Life Path 3 suggests that you entered this plane You are hardhearted and selfish most of the time. You always tend to have lots of problems within your family in the early stages but you will be able to cope with everything. You seem to have your way in everything. And from birth you would always have to work hard to achieve anything you want. You always make a point to set examples on others, especially the younger ones. Generally you are not a cool person. It's not easy dealing with you. A tough player you are! But once you are comfortable with someone, it will be a lasting friendship. You always earn respect from others. Your luck seems to have lots of worries and problems but they won't be for long. You will have brilliant kids! You love money a bit too much so temptation will push you to try endlessly. You will look after your family and help friends, so you will spend a life time just being generous and kind (except for men born on the 21st). You love your freedom, creative and ambitious, a person who brings beauty, hope & joy to this world! Your best match 6 and 9. Good match 1,3 and 5. with a strong sense of creativity and with wonderful communication skills. Achievement for you most likely comes through engaging your ingenious expression. A truly gifted 3 possesses the most exceptional innovative skills, normally in the verbal realm, writing, speaking, acting, OR similar endeavors. Here we are apt to find the entertainers of the world, bright, effervescent, sparkling people with very optimistic attitudes. The bright side of this Path stresses harmony, beauty and pleasures; of sharing your inventive talents with the world. Capturing your capability in creative self-expression is the highest level of attainment for this life Path Life is generally lived to the fullest, often without much worry about tomorrow. You are Not very good at handling money because of a general lack of concern about it. You spend it when you have it and don't when you don't The 3 loves connecting with people. The characteristics of the 3 are warmth and friendliness, a good conversationalist, social and open. A good talker both from the standpoint of being a delight to listen To, but even more importantly, one who has the ability to listen to others. Accordingly, the life Path 3 produces individuals who are always a welcome addition to any social situation and know how to make others feel at home. The approach to life tends to be exceedingly positive. Your disposition is almost surely sunny and openhearted. A happy and often inspired person, you are constantly seeking and needing the stimuli of similar people There is a remote side to your 3 Life Path, as well. This comes as a surprise to the native and to those who think they are well acquainted. The 3 is actually a very sensitive soul. When hurt, you can easily retreat to a shell of morose silence for extended periods. Nonetheless, the 3 eventually copes with all of the many setbacks that occur in life and readily bounces back for more. It is usually easy for you to deal with problems because you can freely admit the existence of problems without letting them get you down for too Long. Because of your own sensitivity to hurt, you have a caring disposition and seem to be very conscious of other people's feelings and emotions In romance, the 3 is a very ardent and loyal lover. Affairs that don't go well can leave scares that seem to linger. Emotional experiences of all sorts tend to deeply touch the 3 and the drama may take some time to play out. Regrettably, the giving disposition of the 3 often attracts demanding partners. Aswith most of life's issues for the 3 Life Path, balance in relationships is illusive Your big test with a 3 Life Path is controlling your highs and lows. You won't survive very well in any routine environment or when you are placed under dominating management. Slow thinking and overly contemplative people tend to frustrate you, and you don't function too well with this type whether you are working for, with, or under them. Your exuberant nature can take you far, especially if you are ever able to focus your energies and talents For the few living on the negative side of this Life Path, a 3 may be so delighted with the joy of living that the life becomes frivolous and superficial. You may scatter your abilities and express little sense of purpose. The 3 can be an enigma, for no apparent reason you may become moody and tend to retreat. Escapist tendencies are Not uncommon with the 3 life Path, and you find it very hard to settle into one place OR one position. Guard against being critical of others, impatient, intolerant, OR overly optimistic Western Zodiac Symbol / Sign Your Western Zodiac Symbol / Sign is Virgin/Virgo Based on your Western Zodiac Symbol / Sign, your characteristics are Born Between :August 24 - September 23 Life Phrase: I Serve Mantra: I am relaxed and deserve to be served as well as serve Element: Earth Modality: Mutable Ruling Planet: Mercury Personality Traits: Discriminating, Analytical, Practical, Meticulous, Modest, Clean General Compatibility: Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Color: Forest Green, Emerald Green Gemstones: Emerald, Jade, Malachite, Tourmaline Foods: Spinach, Seeds, Endive, Escarole, Parsley, Yogurt Challenged to be: Inspired, happy, forgiving, courageous and generous Spiritual Path: to believe in positive, universal interconnections Chinese Zodiac Sign / Symbol Your Chinese Zodiac Sign / Symbol is BOAR / PIG (Chivalrous) Based on your Zodiac Sign / Symbol (Birthday Animal) your characteristics are Boars are models of sincerity, purity, tolerance, and honor. When you first meet them, Boars seem too good to be true. They are careful and caring, obliging and chivalrous. Put your trust in him, he won't let you down and he will never try to. The Boar simply want to do everything right. Boars are the people everyone admires most. Make a list of the Boars in your life. Aren't they the nicest, most loving and scrupulously caring people around? Boars are born to give, yield and serve. Frankly speaking, most people take advantage of this Boar nature. Not only are Boars easy to fool but they like it that way too. No matter how old they get, Boar people still only see and believe that all men/women are basically good. Boar people constantly sacrifice their own happiness and comfort for the sake of somebody Else. The Boar is a splendid companion. If you have a lifetime Boar friend, don't think that your worries are over. Boars are loyal, faithful and giving - only as long as they approve of you. in order to keep your lifetime Boar friend remember, never try to force your opinions on a Boar. A Boar rarely asks for help and cannot graciously accept it. The Boar doesn't say much but when he does decide to speak, suddenly, nothing can stop him until he runs out of subjects. Like the Monkey, the Boar is intellectual and a character with a great thirst for knowledge. Some people claim that Boars are snobbish. Manners, breeding and good taste are of enormous importance to them. in fact, Boars are aesthetic. Boars are born with an excellent nose for style in everything. Food is another of Boar's little sins. Boars adore food and after-dinner chocolates. The Boar often over-eats, but he eats with good taste. in relationships, Boar people are sensitive, sweet and caring but naive. They are romantic and certainly are the marriage-type. But on the other hand, Boars are also possessive, jealous and exclusive. Compatible with Rat, Rabbit, Tiger, Dragon, Goat, Monkey, Dog, Boar. Based on your Birth Month, your characteristics are Your One Liner Noble * Loves to joke * Attractive * Suave and caring * Brave and fearless * Firm and has leadership qualities * Knows how to console others * Too generous and egoistic * Takes high pride of oneself * Thirsty for praises * Extraordinary spirit * Easily angered * Angry when provoked * Easily jealous * Observant * Careful and cautious * Thinks quickly * Independent thoughts * Loves to lead and to be led * Loves to dream * Talented in the arts, music and defense * Sensitive but not petty * Poo! r resistance against illnesses * Loving and caring * Loves to make friends Birthday Tree Your Birthday Tree is Pine Tree (The Particularity) Based on your Birth Tree, your characteristics are Loves agreeable company, very robust, knows how to make life comfortable, very active, natural, good companion, but seldom friendly, falls easily in love but its passion burns out quickly, gives up easily, many disappointments till it finds its ideal, trustworthy, practical. Birthday Color Your Birthday Color is : Brown Based on your Birth Color, your characteristics are You are active and sporty. It's hard for other people to become close with you, but you fall in love easily. Once you find out you can't get something, you give up and let go easily. Birthday Flower Your Birthday Flower is : By British Style : POPPY By US Style : POPPY/GLADIOLUS Based on your Birth Flower, your Symbolizations are British Symbolization : Remembrance US Symbolization : Moral Integrity Remembrance Birthday Stone Your Birthday Stone is : By US Culture : Peridot By Britain Culture : Peridot, Sardonyx By Hindu Culture : Ruby By Zodiac Sign : Carnelian By Birth Day : Emerald, Cat's eye RedNeck Sign Your RedNeck Sign is : GRITS Based on your RedNeck Sign your characteristics are Your highest aim is to be with others like yourself. You like to huddle together with a big crowd of other Grits. You love to travel though, so maybe you should think about joining a club. Where do you like to go? Anywhere they have cheese or gravy or bacon or butter or eggs. If you can go somewhere where they have all these things, that serves you well.


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