Hip Hop Instrumentals Creative Common Agreement (FREE BEATS INFO)

The musical production is now and remains the property of Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don and is leased to the user only for use ONLY on educational and non-commerical projects including song, video, podcast, soundtrack, game, etc. You may DISTRIBUTE UNLIMITED COPIES of your production. Our "free beats" are licensed using the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike License, and as part of proper attribution we require the following: 1: You must provide credit to Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don : By using any of our free beats you agree to give written credit to Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don as the producer of the instrumental as follows: "Produced by Remix Tha Don". This attribution must be provided in all locations where the work containing our instrumental is listed including, but not limited to; song and/or video description, credits, album track listing, your website, etc. http://remixthadonmusic.wixsite.com/remixthadon You may use our products either to develop a project for yourself or your client/ artist, but you may not put them on a diskette, CD, website or any other format and offer them for redistribution without proper attribution. These products may not be resold in any sort of collection, such as passing our products over to third parties on CD and diskettes, or letting others download our products from your website for a fee or gain, neither monetarily or personally. In the event of such practices, Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don will immediately terminate your membership. Furthermore, by conducting such practices, you automatically waive any legal claims against Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don . If you do not abide by the terms of this agreement as described above, Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don will pursue legal action to the highest punishable extent. Further, Licensee may not post, or upload the original Track(s) in any way or in any way make the Track available to others. Doing so would be a copyright infringement. In addition, any unauthorized use or duplication is a violation of this agreement and of applicable laws of the United States and other countries. Any infringement of copyright will be pursued to the fullest extent of the law. These products are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. We suggest you contact your local developer for service and assistance. http://remixthadonmusic.wixsite.com/remixthadon You understand Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don is not responsible for the content, quality or merchantability of any information, product or service offered herein and the user must assume full responsibility to evaluate independently the accuracy, completeness, quality and usefulness of any product or other content. Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don hereby expressly disclaims any and all warranties, expressed and implied, including but not limited to any warranties of accuracy, reliability, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose by any vendor, customer, or associate offering information, products, any services linked to Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don website. The user agrees that Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don is not responsible, and shall have no liability to such user, with respect to any information, product or service offered by others who are linked to Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don website. Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don shall not be liable for any damages allegedly sustained arising from use of the information, products, and services. http://remixthadonmusic.wixsite.com/remixthadon 1. MUSIC OWNERSHIP: The non-exclusive tracks & compositions distributed by Licensor remain the exclusive property of Licensor and/or Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don AFFILIATED PRODUCERS. 2. TRACK NON-EXCLUSIVITY: It is understood by the Licensor that the Tracks are provided under a Non-Exclusive license for use by this Licensee. Additionally the Tracks may be licensed to any number of additional Licensees. 3. FAILING TO LICENSE: If you fail to obtain this legal license from Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don , then legal action will be taken against you. NOTE: A single violation of federal copyright laws will cost you a $30,000.00 fine. 4. CREDITS: Licensee shall give Licensor and Affiliate appropriate credit on all compact discs, record and cassette labels, film or commercial credits, or any other record configuration manufactured which is now known or created in the future that embodies the Tracks created hereunder and on all cover liner notes. Credit will be listed as: Original backing track(s) created by Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don , and/or Affiliated Producers 5. INDEMNITY: Licensee agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Licensor harmless from any and all actions, causes of action, claims, demands, costs, liabilities, expenses and damages (including attorneys' fees) arising out of or in connection with any claim that the Tracks furnished by under this License constitutes an infringement of any confidential information, trade secret, patent, copyright, trademark, trade name, or other legal right of any third party. 6. JURISDICTION: This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Pennsylvania. Any dispute arising under this Agreement shall be subject to binding arbitration with such arbitration being conducted in California, and arbitrated by: Pennsylvania Lawyers. These General Terms and Conditions (Terms and Conditions) are between you and Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don. http://remixthadonmusic.wixsite.com/remixthadon As used herein, the term 'Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don ', 'Web site', 'Company' refers to Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don , the sole owner and operator of the Web site; the term 'you' or 'your' refers to an individual, representing yourself or, if applicable, acting as legal representative for a group, business entity or corporation. WorldHipHopBeats.com offers digital download products. Therefore we do not offer any refunds at any time for any reason. Please be aware of that before you purchase. we do offer credit of equal value or we can exchange a beat at the discretion of owner. Use of Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don signifies your agreement to the terms and conditions of use set forth below in the Agreement: http://remixthadonmusic.wixsite.com/remixthadon You acknowledge that you have read the terms and conditions of use and that you accept the terms thereof. YOU AGREE TO READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS COMPANY WEB SITE. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions of use, you may not access or otherwise use this Company Web Site. Company may monitor your use of this Company Web Site, and may freely use and disclose any information and materials received from you or collected through your use of Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don for any lawful reason or purpose. Company shall not however sell or otherwise disclose any personal information or materials received from you for any monetary gain. Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove any portion of this Agreement, in whole or in part, at any time. Notification of changes in the Agreement will be posted on Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don . You are deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to any changes in the Agreement if you continue to use Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don after such changes. Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don is protected by copyright as a collective work and/or compilation, pursuant to U.S. copyright laws, international conventions, and other copyright laws. All materials contained on Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don are protected by copyright, and are owned or controlled by Company or the party credited as the provider of the Content. You will abide by any and all additional copyright notices, information, or restrictions contained in any Content on Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don . Company may change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don at any time, including the availability of any Company Web Site feature, database, or Content. Company may also impose limits on certain features and services or restrict your access to parts or all of Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don without notice or liability. http://remixthadonmusic.wixsite.com/remixthadon You represent, warrant and covenant that: you shall not upload, post or transmit to or distribute or otherwise publish through WorldHipHopBeats.com any materials which restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying WorldHipHopBeats.com; are unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, offensive, pornographic, profane, sexually explicit or indecent; constitute or encourage conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate law; violate, plagiarize or infringe the rights of third parties including, without limitation, copyright, trademark, patent, rights of privacy or publicity or any other proprietary right; contain a virus or other harmful component; contain any information, software or other material of a commercial nature; contain advertising of any kind, or constitute or contain false or misleading indications of origin or statements of fact; and that you are at least eighteen (18) years old. You hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold Company, and all its officers, directors, owners, agents, employees, information providers, affiliates, licensors and licensees (collectively, the 'Indemnified Parties') harmless from and against any and all liability and costs incurred by the Indemnified Parties in connection with any claim arising out of any breach by you of the Agreement or the foregoing representations, warranties and covenants, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and costs. You shall cooperate as fully as reasonably required in the defense of any claim. Company reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you and you shall not in any event settle any matter without the written consent of Def Efx Music. http://remixthadonmusic.wixsite.com/remixthadon You acknowledge and agree to indemnify and defend and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties for any direct or indirect losses, injuries, special or incidental or consequential damages of any kind (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, GOODWILL, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, LOSS OF BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OR ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) with regard to any link to any third party web site, or arising from or in connection with the use of the program materials, or due to any mistakes, omissions, delays, errors, interruptions in the transmission, or receipt of services, content or program materials, including without limitation, any losses due to server problems, computer or other equipment failure, or due to incorrect placement of HTML, regardless of whether such loss arises upon a breach of contract, negligence or any other claim or cause of action. In the event of any network downtime, computer or technical error Company shall not be held liable for any lost of data, income or any other item of value, whether tangible or otherwise, on the web site Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don contains links and pointers to the other related World Wide Web Internet sites, resources, and sponsors of Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don . Links to and from Company Web Site to other third party sites, maintained by third parties, do not constitute an endorsement by Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates of any third party resources, or their contents. Company does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement, or other information displayed or distributed through Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don . You acknowledge that any reliance upon any such opinion, advice, statement, memorandum, or information shall be at your sole risk. Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to correct any errors or omissions in any portion of Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don . Company does not and cannot review all materials posted to Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don by users, and Company is not responsible for any such materials posted by users, especially with respect to message boards currently operative or which Company may at a later date make or cause to become operable. However, Company reserves the right at all times to disclose any information as necessary to satisfy any law, regulation or government request, or to edit, refuse to post or to remove any information or materials, in whole or in part, that in Company's sole discretion are objectionable or in violation of this Agreement. http://remixthadonmusic.wixsite.com/remixthadon Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don , INCLUDING ALL CONTENT, SOFTWARE, FUNCTIONS, MATERIALS AND INFORMATION MADE AVAILABLE ON OR ACCESSED THROUGH Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don , IS PROVIDED 'AS IS'. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE BY LAW, COMPANY AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES MAKE NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER FOR THE CONTENT ON Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don OR THE MATERIALS, INFORMATION AND FUNCTIONS MADE ACCESSIBLE BY THE SOFTWARE USED ON OR ACCESSED THROUGH Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don , FOR ANY PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OR HYPERTEXT LINKS TO THIRD PARTIES OR FOR ANY BREACH OF SECURITY ASSOCIATED WITH THE TRANSMISSION OF SENSITIVE INFORMATION THROUGH Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don OR ANY LINKED SITE. FURTHER, COMPANY AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES DISCLAIM ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. COMPANY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don OR ANY MATERIALS OR CONTENT CONTAINED THEREIN WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE, THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don OR THE SERVER THAT MAKES IT AVAILABLE IS FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS. COMPANY AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR THE USE OF Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don , INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE CONTENT AND ANY ERRORS CONTAINED THEREIN. By posting messages, uploading files, inputting data or engaging in any other form of communication (individually or collectively 'Communications') to Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don , you hereby grant to Company a perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable, unrestricted, non-exclusive, royalty free license to use, copy, license, sublicense, adapt, distribute, display, publicly perform, reproduce, transmit, modify, edit and otherwise exploit such Communications, in all media now known or hereafter developed. You hereby waive all rights to any claim against Company for any alleged or actual infringements of any proprietary rights, rights of privacy and publicity, moral rights, and rights of attribution in connection with such Communications. This waiver does not and shall not be construed to include beats posted for sale on Company Web Site. Company hereby acknowledges that all beats placed for sale on Company Web Site shall remain the property of the seller, until title passes to a buyer through the sale process. If such beat is not sold, its seller shall retain all rights, duties and liabilities associated with ownership of the beat. You acknowledge that transmission to and from this Company Web Site are not confidential and your Communications may be read or intercepted by others. You acknowledge that by submitting Communications to Company, no confidential, fiduciary, contractually implied, or any other relationship is created between you and Company other than pursuant to this Agreement. http://remixthadonmusic.wixsite.com/remixthadon THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE GOVERNED BY AND CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WITHOUT REGARD TO CONFLICTS OF LAWS PROVISIONS. SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION FOR ANY ACTION OR PROCEEDING ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE AN APPROPRIATE STATE OR FEDERAL COURT LOCATED IN THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. http://remixthadonmusic.wixsite.com/remixthadon This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Company and you with respect to your use of Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don . Any cause of action you may have with respect to your use of Def Efx Music & Remix Tha Don must be commenced within one (1) year after the claim or cause of action arises. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of the Agreement, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of the Agreement, and the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. Company disclaims any and all responsibility for content contained in any third party materials provided through links from the Company Internet site. These General Terms and Conditions will complement any other Terms and Conditions posted of Def Efx Musi


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