I Been Waiting For A Minute (Poem)

I been waiting for a minute, but really was a mistake. No time, I could waste, but wasted too much of my haste. Clouded and slowed down my pace, lost my best ways The purpose I had for better days, So now im here looking at the reason that I have to change. And where ill end up, I hope it’s not the same. Another animal, trapped in the cage. Feel I forget my name, don’t point no finger blame. I can’t be catchy or flashy on any single line Hell I’m just surprised that their small moments when my story rhymes I’m searching to find, making up for lost time. And except the truth that I’ll never get to look into your eyes. I grow the black roses so I don’t cry And I don’t ask the questions, I don’t want to know why. Every day I must get up, face this fight and try. Cause Im going to face this fight, and I’m going to live my life Their something greater that is writing the destiny in the stars above The souls that fly like doves, smiling down and keep it all love. Its meant to be for us.


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