Ideal Love (Poem)

Her love is like the air over the Indian Ocean, blowing across the pink sands of Anse Source D’Argent, captivating in the moments of a blue moon, full under the night sky. Like a fire lite in banked distance of the islands when wind, water and earth combine in seconds before the sun rises. New planets born every time the motion of the universe drifts and the stars adapt to the changes in her smile, and her eyes forge a destiny in the spirit of passion grown from Greek legend. From the faith of the women that remain to the man, that pierced 12 axes, saying that he had made the bed himself and it can’t be moved as of its legs are that of a live olive tree. Her image unequaled even by masterpieces of portraits painted and sculptures sculpted from history’s grand-masters. Beauty so magnificent blinding like the sun, her soul full of life like the spring after winters passing, her story is sacred text forever remaining engraved through millennia. Renowned more from gem stones desired deep for lands depths and her vision is rarer than white tigers climbing to mountains end.


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